Thursday 11 November 2010

Have your say...


  1. What a great idea and full marks to the Residents' Association again for keeping the Association in the 21st century.
    This should be a great medium for ideas from residents which the Association can feed back to Councillors and other officials.
    Ideas though need people to carry them out and it should not be forgotten that what is probably the biggest Residents' Association in the UK is still run by only a few people. Let's hope the great ideas come forward but also the volunteers to put them into action.

  2. I'm very pleased to see that the ARA has put together a site to enable the residents of Ashtead to voice their concerns and to raise any issues and to help them communnicate with each other.

    Well done ARA and let's see more of this new technology being used.

  3. What a great way to get people's opinions on local issues. Hopefully local residents will support this idea, a potentially great way to move forward.

  4. Re: is 20 plenty?...Young boy knocked over outside ours this morning. Cars go so fast down A24 and turn in to ottways lane at speed. As mum of two young boys this is a real concern and crossing takes careful planning. No doubt with the new development on parsons mead site this could become an even bigger problem. When speed discussed before we were told nobody has been killed yet so nothing will be done; surely prevention is the best way forward?

  5. I have been advocating a 20 mile speedlimit for around Ashtead for years now. The roads are narrow. Too many parked cars obscure visibility.
    When Parson'r Mead is finished Ottways Lane will be more dangerous than ever. Taleworth Road is gridlocked in the mornings. Why won't the council listen!!
    Cleve Road is a 20 mile limit, so why can't Ashtead also have 20 mph limits especially where schools are sited.
