Monday 19 July 2010

The Big Society In Ashtead?

With the launch today of the Lib Con policy to promote positive social change by encouraging us all to work together with seed capital and support to create a Big Society, David Cameron has laid the groundwork for what may in fact turn out to be a Big Change in the way we interact, changing our social environment for the better.

The Ashtead Residents Association already provides a framework to maintain and improve our community, ready to provide support and assistance for Ashtead to join this initiative.

The big question is...... what do you want for Ashtead?

The more people get involved in completing short surveys on issues and questions we can work to find solutions-together.

Please e-mail or post any questions or ideas for surveys which we can begin with and please share this blog with any residents you know so we can get as many people involved as possible.

So sign up today and see what happens.

John Busby
ARA Member